
App Modernization

Customer’s challenge

The customer was deploying their current product workloads into net-new Google Cloud Platform (GCP) as their go-forward strategy so our team was engaged on multiple work streams in assisting the transformation. Product is a multi-tenant SaaS platform competing with industry challenges born in the cloud, while representing the features which have defined the customer as the leader in the Enterprise Information Management industry.

Grown out from a heavy data center background, the client required not only changes in their technology but also governance approach from the leadership level. Here are the observed challenges derived from the 3 months Apigee engagement.

Very tight deadline with multiple work streams happening in parallel although they have deliverables dependent on each other
Certain teams of the customer were short-staffed and with no bandwidth on attending the workshops
Approvers of the work stream were absent during the project and demanded out of scope hands-on support
Mindset shift needed to happen quicker from hosting applications on data center to Cloud
Relying on customized Javascript policies than utilizing out-of-box API proxy policies
Lack of real-time data collection and analysis for more agile billing model and feedback loop for product development
Siloed and fragmented responsibility model through the organization
No matured API Governance model that no standards, protocols, procedures are defined
Centralized, top to bottom organizational hierarchy that people at the bottom or closer to market changes are aspired to changes but no authority on making decisions let alone driving innovations
How we helped

Our team brought organizational and technical leading practice recommendations, guided the customer towards successful adoption of GCP, with buy-in from customer’s team to adapt to a cloud-native operating model by performing the following.

Conducted educational workshops on Apigee and its related integration and Cloud native services, deep-dive discussion sessions on customizing Apigee and networking for certain customer’s applications, Office Hours for addressing follow-up questions, Project Standups for unblocking project timeline and mitigating risks, Offline chat group for trouble-shooting ad-hoc deployment/migration issues.
Proactively guided stakeholders on realizing the needs for an organizational digital transformation and inspired them to collaborating across functional teams to plan out a multi-years journey to reach an automated federated development and governance model
Connected stakeholders with Apigee product team on learning more on product roadmap specifically monetization feature
Examined customer’s Apigee and API proxies configurations and listed out all the anti-patterns behaviors along with corresponding remedies and best practices
Provided detailed Terraform modules scripts for Apigee IaC and support on debugging
Talked through the options for governance model and actionable steps to reach the state and documented all in the deliverable
Solution Provided

The engagement covered customer’s needs on setting up the Apigee X, migrating the API artifacts, optimizing their API performance, implementing an automated CI/CD pipeline and building an API governance model execution plan.


The stakeholders were very satisfied (4.5 out of 5 satisfaction score) with the engagement and completed milestones faster compared to the scheduled timeline so a change request was submitted to reuse the last few weeks of the engagement to refocus on the API Platform Strategy